We are excited to announce some changes coming to our website soon! You may have noticed that our new logo (silently) dropped a couple of months ago, and there is more to come this summer! As we continually review our services, some updates may affect you.

Starting on/around July 15th, profiles will be streamlined and the following features removed:

  • resume
  • stats
  • styles, location, union info

If you currently have important information on your DancePlug profile (such as your resume), we suggest saving that information elsewhere within the next two weeks. Bios, photos, videos, social media info will remain on all profiles.

Additionally, accounts not attached to a former or current subscription, and with an empty profile will be removed. Rest assured, anyone without an account can still have access to our articles and event listings.

We are looking forward to unveiling our new site this summer! Stay tuned!