Happy New Year, pluggers! We hope you had a safe and happy holiday season.

2017 was an exciting year for DancePlug. We added some talented new teachers to our team, and brought you classes and exercises in a variety of styles like contemporary, jazz, tap, and house. Our audition database was always full of opportunities and gigs from around the world. Our articles brought you advice from dance professionals on topics like auditioning, college dance programs, and injury prevention. And of course, our reviews and Dish reports kept you updated on all the news happening in the dance world.

We're also looking forward to what this year has to bring. We have a lot in store that we're excited about - more great classes from our amazing teachers, health and wellness articles to ensure you're at the top of your game. And we'll keep working to make sure that you always have the most up to date information on the hottest auditions and opportunities.

We love being your hub for all things dance, and we're looking forward to spending 2018 with you!