We've made some improvements so you can get to what you love doing faster: dancing. All updates came from your feedback and we're not stopping there!

Enough said...let's get to it.

Online Dance Classes

Video Tutorial Markers

A much asked-for feature, jump to various sections simply by clicking on a marker. Hovering a marker allows you to quickly see the section title it represents. We also went a step further, giving you a 2 second pre-roll before it starts.

True Mirrored Views

We know some of our older tutorials do not include a mirrored view. Our team is busy adding these in and all videos will be fully updated in the coming weeks.

More Counters...

You may have noticed we introduced counters for Slow/Tempo/Music views. As we revamp older tutorials we will include these goodies. On beat, any view, no excuse.

Full Previews

Within playlists we have included a full preview so you can revisit the vibe, glance a section at full speed or begin the class inspired and ready to learn.


We are introducing various warmups to our lineup of video tutorials. The first one was released from our newly added instructor Richard Elszy. This is just the beginning pluggers...

General Updates

Quick Previews

They are everywhere! As you move throughout the platform you can easily hover images to see quick previews. Learn more about auditions, jobs, events and of course class previews. Scan an entire page and learn more without ever clicking.

Infinite Scrolling

Ah yes, something we are all familiar with, thanks to Facebook and the likes. Well, good news because we just introduced this feature too. Any page listing posts will just keep adding content magically as you scroll, less clicking makes you happy, we know!


Leaving a comment wasn't straight forward as you had to sign up through Disqus, a third party service, to post. Well no more of that, once logged in to your DancePlug account, comment away using your profile.

Faster Performance

Our team's been working hard at optimizing so you wait less and learn more. Faster access to editing your profile, scrolling audition listings, taking class or watching the Dish, is now a speedy breeze.

We hope you enjoy the updates and of course more to come in the future!

The DancePlug Team