Fall is upon us, which means leg warmers and winter intensives are just around the corner. It also means a whole new schedule, different teachers, and nutcracker rehearsals. So how do you adjust to the new season and how do you make the most out of your fall training? Here are some tips:

  1. Don’t forget your summer intensive training! You just worked all summer long to nail those turns and to perfect those leaps, so try to keep that momentum going. Attend all of your classes and review the notes you received during summer intensives. Also, share what you learned with a friend so that you can keep each other accountable.  
  2. Fall brings the chill, so start looking for deals on warm ups before the prices go up! You probably thought off-season shopping was just for your school clothes, but websites like Discount Dance still have their winter warm up clothes on sale. Take advantage of the discounts and stock up early.
  3. Because you no longer have the help of summer temperatures, you’re going to want to have extra time to warm up before class. Get to the studio early during the fall and winter months to get warm before class begins. You may even want to invest in a heating pad, which can be found in most general stores.
  4. Look into winter intensives now! Many companies have early application discounts, and even early scholarship auditions. Make a list of the companies you admire most, and then hit the internet to see if they have a winter program. Participating in a winter intensive can be a great way to push ahead in your fall training.
  5. Set new goals and then go after them. New Years is not the only time to make resolutions; the new season is a great time to set goals. Make sure that your goals are measurable and on your calendar. For example, “I am going to be able to do three consecutive turns, en pointe, by December 1st 2017.”

Most importantly, remember to enjoy the new season. Fall is a beautiful time of growth and opportunity, so enjoy the new energy in the studio, and go for gold dancers!